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Professorships Department


Maternity Leave

Female employees at UZH are entitled to 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, which may begin no more than two weeks prior to the baby’s due date, as determined by a doctor.

Up to two weeks before the baby’s birth, a pregnancy-related absence is treated as sick leave. The final two weeks of a pregnancy-related absence before the birth are treated as part of maternity leave. In such cases, paid leave after the birth is 14 weeks.

What To Do

  1. The Professorships Department must be notified as soon as possible, in writing, of the birth, stating the date of birth and name of the child. This can be done by e-mail, and can also be sent by your office or another party. Maternity leave will then be formally granted in a letter from the President.
  2. The Maternity Allowance Application Form must be submitted as soon as possible, with the necessary enclosures, to the Professorships Department. The required documentation includes a copy of the birth certificate or official Swiss family record book, as well as a copy of the mother’s passport or ID. Other documents may also be required, as stated on the application form. In addition, the Professorships Department needs the child's social security number (found on the child's health insurance card, beginning with 756).

Continued Pay

The previous full salary will continue to be paid during maternity leave. Maternity insurance will reimburse UZH a share of the salary costs. The daily indemnity paid by maternity insurance is credited to the professor’s cost center, and may for example be used to cover the costs of a substitute.

Leave for the Other Parent (Previously Paternety Leave)

UZH-appointed professors who become fathers are entitled to ten working days of paid leave upon the birth of their own child. Paid leave may be taken all at once or on a day-by-day basis within six months of a child’s birth. 

They are also entitled to one month of unpaid leave during their child’s first year. When arranging the timing and distribution of unpaid leave, operational needs should be taken into consideration where possible.

Likewise, an employee who is the legal other parent of a child at the time of its birth is also entitled to two weeks’ paid leave. As such, the wife of the mother receives paid leave if the child is conceived using a legally regulated sperm donation program.

On completion of the leave for the other parent, the Paternity Allowance Application Form must be submitted as soon as possible, with the necessary enclosures, to the Professorships Department. The required documentation includes a copy of the birth certificate or official Swiss family record book. Any other enclosures must be enclosed in accordance with the application form. The daily allowances from the leave for the other parent will be credited to the professor's cost center and can for example be used for substitute costs.

Leave for Establishing a Foster Care Relationship with the Intention to Adopt (Adoption Leave)

When a foster care relationship is established with the intention to adopt, the employed parent is granted paid leave for a maximum of eight weeks.

To determine to exact amount of leave, please contact the Professorships Department.

Entitlement to leave arises upon commencement of the foster care relationship. The employee concerned may take the paid leave in one block or by the week within the first year of the child entering care.

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