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Professorships Department

Farewell Lecture

UZH professors leaving the University because they have reached retirement age have the option of giving a farewell lecture. These lectures offer a lovely opportunity to gather friends and colleagues, and to look back at the years spent with the University.

As diverse as the numerous professorships at UZH, the design of farewell lectures is equally individual; whether it is a simple farewell within the context of a final regular lecture, a separate event, with or without a subsequent reception – there are no specific guidelines.

Planning and Organization

The organization of the farewell lecture typically falls under the responsibility of the institute or seminar where the professorship is located. The first priority is to set a date and to reserve the required venue, as well as the reception space through the Room Allocation Services if necessary.

The planning and execution can follow the process of inaugural lectures. If you have any questions, the Event Management team is happy to assist. For general inquiries, please contact your respective institute or seminar directly.

Weiterführende Informationen

Venue Applications